Visual Reporting FAQs

Frequently asked questions regarding our visual reporting dashboard.

Dashboard Setup

How do I get started?
To start your dashboard setup, please email your representative the following information:

  • Account Name
  • Advertiser Name, and all members from your company/end clients that need
    access (name and email).
  • Our team will handle the rest!

Can I give my end advertisers access to the dashboard?
Yes! Simply provide us with their name and email and we will set up access.

Dashboard Features

Can I change the channels I see on the dashboard overview?
Your campaign overview tabs show you the summary, daily view, and performance breakdown for the channels used in your campaign. At the bottom, you will see additional reporting per the channels being used.

To view more in-depth reporting per channel, you may select a specific channel at the top of your dashboard. You cannot make direct changes to your dashboard. If you’d like to make any changes, please contact your representative with your request.

Can I filter my dashboard to show specific advertisers/campaigns?
Yes, our dashboard filter allows you to segment your reporting based on client and/or campaign. Simply click the three horizontal lines in the top right corner and select the criteria.


If I make changes to the dashboard, will it change for all of my clients?
Yes, any changes made to the dashboard will be updated for everyone. For example, if one client wanted to see post engagement, clicks, etc., it would be added for all your clients.

How do I change the date range of the dashboard?
Clicking on the date range at the top right corner of the screen will allow you to customize the reporting you see by date.

Can I compare data to past date ranges/set periods of time?
Yes, simply adjust the date range/period at the top right corner of the screen to compare data. We can also show you the percentage for uplift compared to the period before.

Sharing Reporting

Can I download my reports in a sharable format?
Yes, you can easily download entire reports by selecting “Quick Download” at the top of your
dashboard. You can also download specific tabs as an image, Excel, CSV, or JSON file by clicking the three dots in the corner of each tab.

Can I request to automatically receive my reporting?
Reports can be emailed to you and your clients on the cadence of your choosing through the Report Scheduler. Additionally, you can choose which components of your dashboard be sent to you.

Reporting Coverage

How far back does your reporting data go?
Our data tracks as far back as 15 months. For an email campaign, the day it goes live is
considered day one.

Is there an additional charge for historical data?
No! We provide historical data free of charge for all channels aside from Email.