POS Matchback Glossary

Glossary of common terms used on the POS Matchback dashboard.

Total Sales, Revenue, and # of Units Sold

Total Sales: The complete number of conversions you reported.

Total Revenue: The complete dollar amount you reported.

Total Units Sold: The complete number of items you reported were purchased.

Total Matched Sales, Revenue, and # of Units Sold

Total Matches: Number of people from our audience that converted.

Total Matched Revenue: Dollar amount that directly came from our campaign efforts.

Total Matched Units: Number of items sold that directly came from our campaign efforts.

Sales Data

Sale Index: Unique qualifier we assign to each unique person in your uploaded file. 

Revenue: Amount of money brought in.

Unit: Number of items sold. 

Match: Defines if the person who converted was a member of our custom audience. 
    • “True” = Is a member of our audience
    • “False” = Is NOT a member of our audience

Date: The day your sales file was uploaded.