How to Create an Audience Using Your Own Data

In Connect, you can build an audience by starting with your own data.

1. Log in to Connect.

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2. Click the Audience icon on the left side menu. 

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3. Click New Audience in the top right corner.

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4. Select your client from the drop-down list. 

5. Click Start with my own data.

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6. You will be brought to this screen to upload your CSV file. You have 5 different options of header columns to upload:

  • ID-Based: Upload a file with one column of data, “BRIDGE ID”
  • Person-Based: Upload a file with the following columns, “First Name,” “Last Name,” “Address,” and “Zip”
  • Email-Based: Upload a file with one column of data, “Email”
  • MAID-Based: Upload a file with one column of data, “Mobile Advertising ID”
  • Email Hash-Based: Upload a file with the following columns, “LowerMD5,” “Upper MD5,” “LowerSHA256,” “UpperSHA256,” “LowerSHA1,” and “UpperSHA1”

7. Once you have your file ready, hit Browse file or directly drag and drop your file.

8. Click Upload.

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9. Once your file is uploaded, the system will show you a preview of your file. Check the box if your file has headers. If it does not, leave the box blank. 

NOTE: For best results, BRIDGE recommends headers. 

Formatting: Your header names should not contain any spaces or special characters  (only underscore is allowed)

  • Ex: If your column contains First Name, it should be labeled as “FIRSTNAME” or “FIRST_NAME” in your header row

No duplicate columns are allowed.

10. On the left sidebar, match fields to the columns in your file. Once completed, click Next: Suppression in the top right corner of your screen. 

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11. (OPTIONAL) Upload a suppression file if you have one. Once uploaded, or if you do not have one, click Create Audience.

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12. Name your audience using Alpha-Numeric characters only. Audience name and description should NOT include special characters or line breaks. Click Save.

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13. The result of your audience file will appear. You will see the total number of actual people in your audience broken down by age, gender, and income.

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