File Upload Best Practices

To ensure files are uploaded effectively in Connect, we recommend the following best practices.

BRIDGE offers three different services that require customers to upload data files:

  • POS Matchback: After a campaign is live, customers provide BRIDGE with a CSV
    file of sales data that we match back to our custom audience. This allows us to
    determine exactly who from our target audience made a purchase from our client.
  • Match and Activate: Clients upload their own CSV file to activate in campaigns.
  • Suppression: Clients provide BRIDGE with a list of people or emails they do not
    want to receive their ad.

1.   File Structure:

    • Files should be comma delimited, .csv, UTF 8 encoded.

  1. Headers:
    • Headers are required.
    • No spaces or special characters allowed (only underscore is allowed).
      • Ex: If your column contains First Name, it should be labeled as “FIRSTNAME” or “FIRST_NAME” in your header row.
    • No duplicate columns are allowed.

  2. Keep files concise. Please only upload the required fields to help with processing times. 
    • Required fields for POS Matchback
      • Postal: Address and Zip
We will accept First Name, Last Name, and Email but it must be accompanied by Post Data. 
    • Required fields for Match & Activate and Suppression:
      • ID-Based: Upload a file with one column of data, “BRIDGE ID”
      • Person-Based: Upload a file with the following columns, “First Name,” “Last Name,” “Address,” and “Zip”
      • Email-Based: Upload a file with one column of data, “Email”
      • MAID-Based: Upload a file with one column of data, “Mobile Advertising ID”
      • Hash-Based: Upload a file with the following columns, “LowerMD5,” “Upper MD5,” “LowerSHA256,” “UpperSHA256,” “LowerSHA1,” and “UpperSHA1”
  1. Mapping:
    • Once you upload a file to the platform, you will be asked to map your column headers to a specific field. You can NOT double-map headers.
      • For example: If you have a column header called “Zip” in your file, that can only be mapped once to either the “Zip 5” or “Zip 9” field.